Saturday 5 March 2011

Part 6

How did you attract/address your audience? 

Do you think you have reached your target audience?

I personally believe that we have met our target audience very well, although we could have addressed some issues in which i believe would of helped to reach are intended target audience better by making the opening credits possibly black an white.

What did you include when planning your production that you thought would appeal to your audience?

Through the planning stage we decided that the possible inclusion of a child actor would increase the appeal of the movie by the possible shock element in which people may not expect a child to be involved in a movie. Also the use of a cliff hanger at the end was used to keep the viewer wanting more.


The feedback was overall from a mixed point of view some believed the production to be well prepared and worked other believed that some areas of our production did not work.


·     Good use of sound
·        Good location
·        Good enigmas
·        Good Typography


·        Crows go on to long
·        Bad Soundtrack

What could be improved

I believe that the lighting, soundtrack and more shots needed could be improvements made to the title sequence.

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