Friday 4 March 2011

Evauluation .... Part 1

Part 1 - Brief

Within my group we decided that we would be creating an opening title sequence within the Spy/Thriller genre in which we decided from our original production brief, and I believe from our original brief that we did stick to this very well throughout the whole production of our sticking to the originally planned genre and brief planning. The title sequence begins with a shot of London through the trees in which is used to provide the viewer with the woodland setting in which is key to our scene whilst also showing an urban setting in which some scenes may take part in. We also stick to the enigma code throughout this scene by the running past of an obvious person making the viewer unsure of what is going on and thinking of what it may be. It also then goes onto meet the action sub genre through a small fight scene in which we had although we could have adapted this scene more with further shots, this became important to our scene because it caters for all in which the viewer may want from a spy/action movie by showing all in which they expect making them more likely to watch further through the movie.

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