Thursday, 11 November 2010

Continuity Piece 11/11/10

What did you find difficult about this task?

Personally i do not believe that there was any difficulty with the task its self and the completion of the continuity piece. Although there was issues with the performance and remembrance of our lines during the piece and performing in each view needed. Also we had a lighting issue where as the film in which we decided to plan and do required a pitch black setting.

What new skills have you acquired or developed?

Through this task i have developed more of a confidence skill in the performing and and making of a film piece also i have a basic grown knowledge of the editing process.

What worked well?

Through the piece i believe that the setting worked well to create an atmosphere needed so that the effectiveness. Also the lighting or lack of lighting which also helped the create the desired atmosphere.

What could you or your team have done better?

Through the piece we could have organised the lighting more efficient so that we do not have to go around looking for lighting in which we could use. also we need to be more prepared with the script for the performance of the piece its self. Furthermore I believe that during the pice that the acting was in need of improvement through to much time spent looking at the floor and not enough view time in the speech involving my face in particular.

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