Monday 14 February 2011

Analysis of Contemporary Titles/Openings vs older Titles/Openings

Mission impossible Opening credits (1996)

James Bond : Quantum of Solace (2008)

For my analysis of comtemperary vs older titles/opening i have chosen to analyse James Bond Quantum of Solace and Mission Impossible. Firstly i am going analyse mission impossible.

From the opening titles of mission impossible you generate an overall image of what the film is. From the fast paced music it is made apparent that the genre of the movie is action, this is because we usually generalize all action movies to be fast paced and all up in your face throughout the movie, this is also made apparent through the fast cuts of the images in the background and the typography in which flashes across the screen, although the typography pace is fast it is still easy to read through the names. Furthermore through the slow burning of the dynamite fuse, this represents the action also through the film because we accociate as spectators for bombs meaning action. Also the viewer is made aware of the spy theme behind the film, this is made apparent because of the computer files showing mug shots and what seem to be criminal background into them all, and the computer gadgetry in which we all accociate with spies and spy movies such as the original James Bond movies.

The opening of Quantum of Solace also gives off the impression of the action genre, this is originally done by the use of the gun shooting in which are mostly associated again with the action Genre. Also the music saying itself  "slick trigger finger" shows that there will again be action throughout this movie because it is not just a coincidence that they chose such music all music through every film is chosen for a purpose to set the tone or to drop subtle hints on what the film will portray. Also this opening sets a key scene through the desert images shown which foreshadows a future event in which will take place in the desert or possibly the setting of the movie. the image in which you see James Bond fall down off what appears to be a women this also is a possible foreshadowment in where a women may well cause his down fall. Overall the opening of this movie gives us our first impression of the film while gently hinting to us what we have to come in the future.

Comparing both of these opening title sequences in which are the same genre of movie you can see that they both do the exact same thing in subtle but different ways. They both set the tone of the movie with the music, and both show the basic outline to each of there movies being about action and the spy side of life.

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